Green was never my favorite. It’s a color, right? I am not so sure. I wake up every minute, or is it five? Every correction you make I ignore. Maybe I don’t. You have a bicycle. It’s purple. Drink some coffee. It might wake you up. Look at the floor. I see a drain and some leaves. No, I don’t. There are no leaves there. Blue shoes, is it a bag? Wood, chairs, and telephone poles. A photo, the owner, where is she? Damn schedule! Damn meetings! Always kept away from you. The closer I get the further you are. Your toes, I will kiss them. Curled, striped leggings. How old is this? Rainbow, fuzziness. Is it morning? The trash collector is here to take it all away. Just take your pills and text me. Just shine the flashlight. I can see it on the horizon. The UFO is here from when I was 15. It never took me away. It’s very late. See the triple rainbow? We stop playing baseball and stare. Didn’t God say something about rainbows, or is that apples? Fuck Him! Your hair, blond, or blonde? Plastic straws and ice. Inculcate you I will. Saved even though you don’t need saving. Every patronizing trope like solar panels on the roads. So many bad ideas. I just need a locksmith for my brain, my mind, my /dev/null. Just pipe it there. Does the Universe end with? Yeah, someone else said that. Now my feet tingle. I will see you tomorrow.